I started working for IKEA as a freelance designer in 2009. I've designed mainly baking, cooking and children's products.
My aim is always to create beautiful or fun products that are also practical and user friendly, so that YOU will love them!

IKEA sockerkaka
Before designing the SOCKERKAKA series, I baked sponge cakes in different silicone moulds nonstop for two weeks.
All the moulds were downright ugly. Most of them unpractical. Not non-stick enough. Wobbly. Smelly. Neon colored. And, again, ugly! As silicone is a versatile material I also tried to make ice cream desserts. But the decorations just kept sliding off!
That's why my SOCKERKAKA moulds are beautiful. Unwobbly. Non-stick, non-smell and non-neon. Candy, berries and jam will stay put. Thanks to the incredible engineers at IKEA, the silicone is also the best quality you can buy, at a silly price. Democratic design, yay!

IKEA sockerkaka
"Sockerkaka" is Swedish for sponge cake, which is a bit unfortunate, as the beauty of the silicone is that it's also suitable for ice cream, pudding, flan and creme caramel desserts. It should rather have been named "the-only-mould-you'll-ever-need"!

IKEA sockerkaka
This baking mat also serves as a template for fun chocolate or glaze decorations.
It also has a printed conversion table which makes baking with all kinds of recipes and measures found on the internet a literal piece of cake!

The product range DRÖMMAR is, among other things, a series of cookie cutters of all sizes. They are high enough to cut layers of sponge cake for small layer cakes (see example below).

Examples of what you can make with my cookie cutters DRÖMMAR.

I've always thought that traditional muffin paper cups aren't festive enough. That's why my DRÖMMAR paper cups are higher, slimmer, and all dressed up!

Washable, reusable cake or cookie doilies that won't let you down even if glaze, cream or jam accidents happen
(as opposed to paper doilies).
Their sturdiness also makes it simpler to move a cake from one place to another.

VITLING is an ovenware range that is both practical and stylish enough to be put on the table. The handles are decentred in order to make it easier to take the dish from the oven without getting burned, while the medium sized dish is deep enough to fit a whole chicken or for making soup in the oven.